
Module: problems.simple

Inheritance diagram for regreg.problems.simple:

digraph inheritance183615db30 { rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "problems.composite.composite" [URL="regreg.problems.composite.html#regreg.problems.composite.composite",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top",tooltip="A generic way to specify a problem in composite form."]; "problems.simple.simple_problem" [URL="#regreg.problems.simple.simple_problem",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top"]; "problems.composite.composite" -> "problems.simple.simple_problem" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; }

This module has a class for specifying a problem from just a smooth function and a single penalty.



class regreg.problems.simple.simple_problem(smooth_atom, proximal_atom)

Bases: regreg.problems.composite.composite

__init__(smooth_atom, proximal_atom)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


If self.offset is not None, return x-self.offset, else return x.


Get the quadratic part of the composite.

static nonsmooth(proximal_atom)

A problem with no nonsmooth part except possibly the quadratic of smooth_atom.

The proximal function is (almost) a nullop.

nonsmooth_objective(x, check_feasibility=False)
objective(x, check_feasibility=False)
objective_template = 'f(%(var)s)'
objective_vars = {'offset': '\\alpha', 'shape': 'p', 'var': '\\beta'}
property offset
proximal_step(quadratic, prox_control=None)

Compute the proximal optimization


prox_control: [None, dict]

If not None, then a dictionary of parameters for the prox procedure

property quadratic

Quadratic part of the object, instance of regreg.identity_quadratic.identity_quadratic.


Set the quadratic part of the composite.

static smooth(smooth_atom)

A problem with no nonsmooth part except possibly the quadratic of smooth_atom.

The proximal function is (almost) a nullop.

smooth_objective(x, mode='both', check_feasibility=False)

This class explicitly assumes that the proximal_atom has 0 for smooth_objective.


Add quadratic smoothing term

solve(quadratic=None, return_optimum=False, **fit_args)


regreg.problems.simple.gengrad(simple_problem, lipschitz, tol=1e-08, max_its=1000, debug=False, coef_stop=False)

A simple generalized gradient solver

regreg.problems.simple.nesta(smooth_atom, proximal_atom, conjugate_atom, epsilon=None, tol=1e-06, max_iters=100, min_iters=5, coef_tol=1e-06, initial_primal=None, initial_dual=None, coef_stop=False, quadratic=None)

smooth_atom: smooth_composite

A smooth function, i.e. having a smooth_objective method.


An atom with a proximal method.


An atom that will be smoothed, by adding a quadratic to its conjugate.

epsilon: np.array

A decreasing array of positive constants for Moreau-Yosida smoothing.

tol : np.float

Tolerance to which each problem is solved is max(tol, epsilon)

max_iter s: int

Maximum number of iterations. If epsilon is not supplied, it is taken to be [1]*max_iters

initial_primal, initial_dual : np.ndarray(np.float)

Initial conditions for both primal and dual variables.

coef_tol : float

Tolerance for assessing convergence of coefficients.

quadratic : regreg.identity_quadratic

A quadratic term that is added to the total objective.


primal: np.array

Primal coefficients.

dual: np.array

Dual coefficients.

regreg.problems.simple.tfocs(primal_atom, transform, dual_proximal_atom, epsilon=None, tol=1e-06, max_iters=100, coef_tol=1e-06, quadratic=None)

This function is based on the setup of problems described in TFOCS. Generally speaking, these are the same type of problems that nesta can handle, though without the additional smooth part.

This solver is suited to solving problems of the form

minimize_v f(v) + h(Dv+a)

when both f and h (and hence f^* and h^*) have simple proximal operators.

Here is an example for minimum \(\ell_1\) norm reconstruction.

>>> import numpy as np, regreg.api as rr
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> n, p = 200, 5000

The problem assumes,beta) for some sparse beta.

>>> X = np.random.standard_normal((n, p))
>>> beta = np.zeros(p)
>>> beta[:10] = np.arange(10)+1
>>> Y =, beta)

The problem is formally,

minimize_v np.fabs(v).sum() subject to,v)

The \(\ell_1\) norm is described as:

>>> l1 = rr.l1norm(p, lagrange=1)

The constraint is specified as

>>> constraint = rr.zero_constraint.affine(X,-Y)
>>> transform, zero = constraint.dual
>>> epsilon = [0.01]*50 + [0.001]*20
>>> primal_tfocs, dual_tfocs = rr.tfocs(l1, transform, zero, epsilon=epsilon)
>>> np.linalg.norm(primal_tfocs - beta) < 1.e-3 * np.linalg.norm(beta)
>>> np.linalg.norm(primal_tfocs[10:]) < 1.e-3 * np.linalg.norm(primal_tfocs)

primal_atom: atom

An atom that will be smoothed, then composed with the transform.

transform : affine_transform

An affine transform for the composition.

dual_proximal_atom: atom

An atom with a proximal method.

epsilon: np.array

A decreasing array of positive constants for Moreau-Yosida smoothing.

tol: np.float

Tolerance to which each problem is solved is max(tol, epsilon)

max_iters: int

Maximum number of iterations. If epsilon is not supplied, it is taken to be [1]*max_iters

initial_primal, initial_dual : np.ndarray(np.float)

Initial conditions for both primal and dual variables.

coef_tol : float

Tolerance for assessing convergence of coefficients.

quadratic : regreg.identity_quadratic

A quadratic term that is added to the total objective.


primal: np.array

Primal coefficients.

dual: np.array

Dual coefficients.