
Module: affine.fused_lasso

Inheritance diagram for regreg.affine.fused_lasso:

digraph inheritance0355cc5722 { rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter" [URL="#regreg.affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top"]; "regreg.affine.affine_transform" -> "affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter_inverse" [URL="#regreg.affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter_inverse",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top"]; "regreg.affine.affine_transform" -> "affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter_inverse" [arrowsize=0.5,style="setlinewidth(0.5)"]; "regreg.affine.affine_transform" [URL="regreg.affine.html#regreg.affine.affine_transform",fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5)",target="_top"]; }



class regreg.affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter(knots, order=1, sorted=False)

Bases: regreg.affine.affine_transform

__init__(knots, order=1, sorted=False)

Create affine transform


linear_operator : None or ndarray or sparse array or affine_transform

Linear part of affine transform implemented as array or as affine_transform. None results in no linear component.

affine_offset : None or ndarray

offset component of affine. Only one of linear_operator and affine_offset can be None, because we need an input array to define the shape of the transform.

diag : {False, True}, optional

If True, interpret 1D linear_operator as the main diagonal of the a diagonal array, so that linear_operator = np.diag(linear_operator)

property T

Apply transpose of linear component to u

Return \(D^Tu\)


u : ndarray

array to which to apply transposed linear part of transform. Can be 1D or 2D array

copy : {True, False}, optional

If True, in situations where return is identical to u, ensure returned value is a copy.


DTu : ndarray

u transformed with transpose of linear component


This routine is currently a matrix multiplication, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.


Apply linear and affine offset to x

Return \(Dx+\alpha\)


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D

copy : {True, False}, optional

If True, in situations where return is identical to x, ensure returned value is a copy.


Dx_a : ndarray

x transformed with linear and offset components


This routine is subclassed in affine_atom as a matrix multiplications, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.


Apply linear part of transform to x. Returns self.linear_map(x) unless x is a transform, in which case it returns the composition.


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D


Dx : ndarray

x transformed with linear component

classmethod grid(m, order=1, sorted=False)

Apply linear part of transform to x

Return \(Dx\)


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D


Dx : ndarray

x transformed with linear component


This routine is subclassed in affine_atom as a matrix multiplications, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.

property ndim
property shape


class regreg.affine.fused_lasso.trend_filter_inverse(knots, order=1, sorted=False)

Bases: regreg.affine.affine_transform

__init__(knots, order=1, sorted=False)

Create affine transform


linear_operator : None or ndarray or sparse array or affine_transform

Linear part of affine transform implemented as array or as affine_transform. None results in no linear component.

affine_offset : None or ndarray

offset component of affine. Only one of linear_operator and affine_offset can be None, because we need an input array to define the shape of the transform.

diag : {False, True}, optional

If True, interpret 1D linear_operator as the main diagonal of the a diagonal array, so that linear_operator = np.diag(linear_operator)

property T

Apply transpose of linear component to u

Return \(D^Tu\)


u : ndarray

array to which to apply transposed linear part of transform. Can be 1D or 2D array

copy : {True, False}, optional

If True, in situations where return is identical to u, ensure returned value is a copy.


DTu : ndarray

u transformed with transpose of linear component


This routine is currently a matrix multiplication, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.


Apply linear and affine offset to x

Return \(Dx+\alpha\)


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D

copy : {True, False}, optional

If True, in situations where return is identical to x, ensure returned value is a copy.


Dx_a : ndarray

x transformed with linear and offset components


This routine is subclassed in affine_atom as a matrix multiplications, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.


Apply linear part of transform to x. Returns self.linear_map(x) unless x is a transform, in which case it returns the composition.


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D


Dx : ndarray

x transformed with linear component

classmethod grid(m, order=1, sorted=False)

Apply linear part of transform to x

Return \(Dx\)


x : ndarray

array to which to apply transform. Can be 1D or 2D


Dx : ndarray

x transformed with linear component


This routine is subclassed in affine_atom as a matrix multiplications, but could also call FFTs if D is a DFT matrix, in a subclass.

property ndim
property shape


regreg.affine.fused_lasso.difference_transform(X, order=1, sorted=False, transform=False)

Compute the divided difference matrix for X after sorting X.


X: np.array, np.float, ndim=1

X coordinates where discrete derivative is computed.

order: int

What order of difference should we compute?

sorted: bool

Is X sorted?

transform: bool

If True, return a linear_transform rather than a sparse matrix.


D: np.array, ndim=2, shape=(n-order,order)

Matrix of divided differences of sorted X.